Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Love..

I love my Mom.

I love chocolate milk.

I love Honda's.

I love Nike's.

I love Asian Chicks.

I love Moe's Burritos.

I love Hip-Hop.

I love talking shit.

I love Hispanic females.

I love making people laugh.

I love my nieces and nephews.

I love laughing at people.

I love shopping for new things.

I love Black honey's.

I love telling stories.

I love giving a subtle check to somebody getting loud.

I love my brother and sister.

I love overcoming objections.

I love White girls.

I love to argue for fun.

I love to argue when it's not fun.

I love not calling people by their real name.

I love watching movies.

I love reading.

I love knowing what the fuck I'm talking about.

I love to cuss.

I love how exciting college basketball is.

I love girls with big booty's.

I love my Pop.

I love playing Dominoes.

I love Stephen King books.

I love girls with ear plugs and tattoos.

I love Patron. Before rapper's said "gone off that patron."

I love being a car enthusiast.

I love cereal.

I love regular Nintendo.

I love New Era Fitteds.

I love having conversations with people about the Bible, cause they're crazy.

I love that I'm not afraid of confrontation.

I love Brown haired Brown eyed, big booty Texan girls.

I love making fun of people to make me feel better about myself.

I love that I live life not concerned about what people think of me.

I love that for every story I have, it involves at least 2 of my friends and might include one or two pairs of handcuffs and a police officer or 5.

I love our Beermas Tree.

I love High Definition TV.

I love saying the word "molly-whopped."

I love walking into a room full of people and the only person I know is King and we bust out a Dos Veces w/ a matrix in the middle.

I love wrapping houses in toilet paper.

I love bumping screw music.

I love moving with the change.

I love being open minded.

I love ladies with Green eyes.

I love my iPod.

I love my Blackberry.

I love M.C. Escher.

I love T-shirts.

I love blasting out dumbass text messages.

I love having a smile on my face.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Effectively Communicating

I will be the first to admit that my grammar sometimes is pretty fucking terrible. I cuss way to damn much for the average person.

I am the fattest, ugliest, loudest, big fat piece of shit of anybody I know. I wanted to goto Vegas for my birthday but nobody could get along with anybody. "I can't go because so and so might go, and "if so and so goes there is gonna be a problem" blah blah blah blah blah. Fact of the matter is this, I participate. Birthday's, BBQ's, Vacations, Dinner's and Parties. Even if I don't like somebody I don't ruin if for everybody else by acting like a bitch.

With that being said, stop the texting, stop the facebooking, yall niggas got a problem with somebody or someone just ask them. It's not like its gonna be the end of the world if WE TALK IT OUT LIKE GROWN-UPS. I mean, I know it's a crazy concept, but work with me here.


There was a time in my life when me and Leigh Ann Faulkner weren't speaking, it was making motherfuckers uncomfortable. So, there I was at Rufus, Leigh and I are keeping a strong 30ft distance from each other. I had had enough, I walked my bitch ass over there and said.. "Leigh Ann, we been knowing each other way to long to not be speaking... We need to reconcile our differences like Nas did with Jigga.."

The world didn't end folks. If you know Leigh and you know me, then you know were cool as a Polar Bears toenails.

This is just 1 of my many approaches.

If you know Carlos and you know me.. Then you know we had some fistacuff's, some loud words, and few weeks of not speaking, but in the end.. Were cool..

If you know Eddie and you know me, we tell each other out loud in public places that we are gonna stab each other. It makes everybody around us uncomfortable as fuck, but thats how we make amends.

We are all getting older and some of us aint getting wiser. Let's get grown, too much hate, too much anger, too much frustration going thats causing a whole lotta wasted energy. We need to step our game up..
