I hate it. I really do, but I find myself always doing it. Myspace, Facebook, and General Debate & Discussions forums across the interwebz. I will argue about anything. Creationism, Abortion, Domestic vs. Imports, Rota vs. JDM, Retro'ed Sneakers, and the list goes on. I can't stop. The worst part is I will not admit that I'm wrong. Ask King. This fool knows. Give me a topic and tell me a side to pick and I will argue til your blue in the face. I LOVE it, I fuckin LOVE it. I will analyze the facts, and develop the argument, I will disprove your theories and tell you you're wrong. So, after hours and hours of arguing with me, when your face is black and blue, and you hate me, I mean absolutely wanna punch me in the face, and the dust has settled and I am basking in the Aftermath that was our argument, I hit you with this look -
and then I do this \/\/\/
and thhheeeeennnnnn I hit you with the Paul Wall..

And it hits you like Terry Tate. I was just fucking with you, and my ego is huge, my self esteem is banging, and I am happy..
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