Thursday, August 27, 2009

Team Owned - The Beginning

It started after a wonderful meal at OTB. Four of us were left sitting at the table and we didn’t have anything to do that Saturday night. We could cruise the strip, we could watch a movie, Putt Putt, Bowling.. None of it sounded fun. So, I said “let’s wrap a house.” B-Ho’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Glenn says “I’m in,” and if you have ever met Victor then you know he had that grin on his face, the one he gets when some mischief is going down..

We had our crew and we were gonna do some damage that night..


We sat there a minute and decided on who we could get. Do we do someone random? Do we get someone we know? Whose car do we take? If we get someone we know can they trace it back to us?

After some brainstorming we decided to get Keith Pitts aka Driftin240. There were 3 big reason’s why…

1. B-Ho knew where he lived.
2. He is a pretty good buddy and there is nothing like playing a practical joke on a friend.
3. Surely he wouldn’t pin it on us. Why would we drive from Tyler?

There is a little back story to Keith though. If any of yall remember then you might remember Grimace. I can’t for the life of me remember her real name. Her username on the forum was “sparklin integra.” Keith started up some friendly AIM chatting and whatnot. A few weeks go by and they decide to get together and meet at a car show. It’s been 5 or 6 years since this has happened and I don’t remember all the details but I do remember this..

There was a picture taken of her next to an S2000 and she made that car look like a fuckin’ Mattel brand Barbie car..

Then.. Someone photoshopped the Grimace from McDonald’s over her and the rest was history. There was massive ownage coming in Keith’s direction. He was fighting that shit off like a Spartan in 300 except he was taking a beating…

We didn’t wrap his house until a year or so after the Grimace fiasco but there was no way in hell that he wasn’t gonna get reminded of his bad judgment call. I mean don’t get me wrong, all of us have pulled or thought about pulling the fat card out of our wallet at some point. Difference between Keith and everybody else..

He brought that ton of fun out in public.. He must not know the moped rule..

So, back to that fateful Saturday night. We get to Longview and bust in Wal-Mart like gangbusters. All of us got on Black hoodie’s, sneakers, and sweatpants. Except Glenn, this fool had on some flip-flops, jeans and T-Shirt.. hahahah.. We stack Toilet Paper on the check out line with the biggest grins. We throw in a couple bottles of shaving cream and to Top it off..

A XXXXXXXLLL pair of Purple “Grimace” Panties.. OWNED..

We make our way to Keith’s house. Stake out the situation. Make a couple of Pass By’s then Park..

We were staring at his house from a ditch across the street. Adrenaline was screaming through our veins. We had all the tool’s we needed to succeed and all I was hoping for was Keith would forget about all the toilet paper, he wouldn’t pay attention to the shaving cream and those Giant Purple “Grimace” Panties would haunt his dreams. They would drive the nail in the coffin that he had been Owned by the best..

Stay tuned ladies and gents.. You don’t wanna miss the story behind the EPIC fuck up that was “OWNDED”


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I have to post this vid..

Because Ed Hardy is not what's hot in the street's. Real recognize real and these fucker's are looking mighty unfamiliar right about now.. (Riley Freeman)

Vegasauras Rex says RAAAWWWRRRR!!!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Import Racing, Cockiness, and Vegas

When I first got into vehicles I was all about trucks. I had a 91 Chevrolet 3/4 ton with some glass packs and 2 12's in the back. Then I got a little change in my pocket and stepped my game up. I got a 1985 K5 Blazer. Man was it fun.. Then I started hanging out with some dude's that had Honda's and I fell in love..

They're easy to mod. Parts are interchangeable between models, and you can make them pretty fast.. I was coasting through life, I mean I was enjoying my car, but I thought body kits were cool, my screens fell like rain and my trunk banged like thunder...

Then one day BG shows me a video..

"Hi, This is Cheesefrog and I'm bout to race a Viper.."

I know you watched the video..

Now watch it again..
Bask in the amazingness that just happened..
That video is like 8 years old at this point.

Turbo LS motor in a hatch tuned by StOOpid.
Fuck. I love it.

Then I saw this..


"We don't sleep..."

I heard MikeBransa bought a LS longblock today.

Watch out folks.. Seems like 2 of the IB's might be
making a combeback..

We still don't sleep AND we make more money..


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fuck My Life

I wanna touch on my Facebook posting from this afternoon. Fuck My Life was a pretty fun site when it first became "hot" in the streets. I mean there were some Epic postings that really made me smile and appreciate my life.


It got popular. Like Starbuck's popular. Like ANNOYING as fuck popular. Lemme tell you why. Because now I can't go one day without checking my Facebook or Myspace and someone hasn't posted some hot garbage (Vic) about some Mediocre ass shit..

"My phone got stolen FML..."
"Midterms FML.."
"I'm broke FML.."


Please stop posting that shit.

Lemme give you a run down of my day.

9:15am - Wake-up
10:40am - Leave for work
10:50am - Car breaks down
10:52am - Shifter bushings are gone and I can't shift gears in my car
11:30am - Walked home in the 90 degree heat with a tie on.
11:33am - Owned. Garage is locked and I don't have the key which means I can't fix my car
12:15pm - Walked back to my car. Rigged the shifter to go into 4th and limp to my house
1:00pm - Call the State of Texas to check on my last 10 surcharge payments. They go like this :

Reference Number Amount
417998 $104.00
E78447 $104.00
P79222 $260.00
P79223 $104.00
AV1957 $260.00
AV1958 $104.00
CR7365 $260.00
FS7138 $260.00
FS7139 $104.00
HC0811 $260.00

That's a little over $1,850 to get my license back. I found this out after my car broke down. Did I run to Facebook and post "FML?"

Fuck no. My Pop's gave me a ride to the parts store. I picked up some tools and a some shifter bushing's. I spent the afternoon fixing my car. I logged onto and payed the first 3 payments. King came over and we watched some T.V. and chilled. Had some laughs, picked up some lottery tickets.

That's a day in the life of Vegas. Adversity? Word is a joke.

One day a motherfucker will walk upto Vegas and I will have made it. This Bitch is gonna ask me what time it is and I'm gonna lift up my shorts and they're gonna see a Platinum Rolex wrapped around my balls. "I'm gonna say that's what fucking time it is.."

This Bitch is gonna run and post "A dude had a Rolex around his nuts - FML"

Your right Bitch.. Fuck your Life.


Monday, August 10, 2009


Rawest Song I have heard in 2009. If you can't relate to this song. You suck at fucking life.


"If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart."

-Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Ally posted this on her Facebook the other day. I read it and re-read it. In my wonderful threesome the other night with Tylenol PM and Xanax I got to thinking about Evil Deeds. I have pulled my fair share. I would like to think that I am honest person..

Honestly, I am not. Breaking down the quote above, I feel that I am a person somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds. To keep my hinds part safe I blend in with good people as to protect myself from being destroyed.

You may be thinking to yourself "but Vegas you always have an answer, or helped me, or got me taken care of..." What you don't know is that I am pulling out the stops to make it happen. Lying here, stealing this, Kicking this kid, hurting this person's feelings.

Or, you know that I am committing Evil Deeds. Yet, you still talk to me. You still find the time to ask my opinion. Aren't you scared you are somehow fucking up your own place in this world by associating with me? Aren't you scared of what might happen? Do you feel the same was as me?

I am indifferent, I don't care, I don't feel for people. I am a Wolf and I am disguised as a sheep..


Thursday, August 6, 2009



I consider these people my family. I know it seems a little immature to some but I don't think they can fully appreciate why. I am gonna give you a couple of examples of why I consider these people just as close to me as my Pop or my little brother..

"So what does ****** think about you quitting your job? I mean he helped you get it didn't he?"

PAUSE - Why would someone ask me this? They are under the assumption that ****** is going to be upset. Why? He is my friend he will support me..

Me - "Let me read you the text he sent me.. "That's whatsup. If you need anything from me let me know, I got you fam.."

I can understand why people don't understand. I mean the fact of the matter is this.. People DO NOT care about people or they don't know how to just be honest about something. Like if you don't wanna hangout with Vegas just tell me.. Don't be scared of me. See, most of you have grown up fake frontin' ass people. You nurtured your relationship's on the internet. Myspace, Facebook, Twitter...

Example.. I punched Carlos in the face.. Now we don't talk.. Why? He lives in a Rap Video, I tried to shake his hand after the fact and he acted like he was Tony Montana. I don't blame him, I am holding Society to blame for this.. We have "sissyfied" children and have scared Parents away from discipline. Kids can't go outside after dark. They don't play competitive sports in elementary schools anymore. You got kids out there that play video games and talk to people on the internet to acclimate them to Society. They lose massive amounts wisdom during primary stages of growing up.

Another thing that concerns me is the lack of tact people have these days.. I know you might be concerned with what I am saying here, you'r e thinking "this is VEGAS he can't be controlled"


My name is Jeremy Dustin Smith and I shake hands and kiss babies for a living. I have more charms than a box of Lucky's cereal. Mom's and Dad's love me, your Grand mama and papa will respect me. They don't see VEGAS. Why? Stan taught me right. Up until I feel I can't respect you I will show you the utmost respect.

So with that being said. Let's talk about a conversation I had this evening. This person thought that it was ok to talk about someone close to me. They knew this person is close to me. It's not ok to not show this person no respect when speaking to me.. It ultimately lead to me having to remind this person of how much of a SLUT his girlfriend is.. Convo went like this..

Him - "So I heard you been hanging out with ****** Isnt she a slut and a drug addict? I heard she did this and that and blah blah blah blah.. "

PAUSE - Why did he think this was ok? This man knows me. Knows that I WILL NOT hesitate to verbally crush his and his girlfriend's feelings for his comments. Why did he not show tact in this moment to keep his mouth shut? I'll get to that in a moment.

Me - "Nah fool... hahah.. She's cool, it was just some rumors. You know how folks hate, It's happened to you and all of us.."

PAUSE - You think this motherfucker would have gotten the hint. Nope. Dr. Suess and him are not friends, he didn't use his context clues.

Him - "I don't know. I heard this from ****** You know they know what's good."

PAUSE - Commence the emotional terrorism from Vegas.

Me - "Say nigga, why are you pushing this issue? I told you it was just some folks hating. I know more than you and everybody else. Yes, I know ***** knows some shit, but you forgot who they fuck you are talking too.. I KNOW what's good. Like remember that time ****** got fucked by a couple dudes at my house. That shit aint no rumor motherfucker. I SEEN that shit with my own 2. Do I remind you everytime we talk that your fucking slut ass girlfriend got motherfucking ran through in front me and a few others every time we speak? No I fucking don't. So next time we speak you keep your fucking thoughts to yourself or I not only will REMIND you that your bitch had a cock in her pussy and mouth at the same time, but I will make for fucking certain that the dudes that did it remind you as well..

Deep Breath folks.. This is why people call me Vegas. I know people. I hear what happens. I know the source. I have my ear to the ground. Like I told Easy that one time. "Vegas isn't a pillar, Vegas isn't popular, Vegas is the glue that holds the fucking earth together."

Some of yall motherfucker's need to develop some healthier relationship's. Get some people in your lives that you can call when some shit goes south. Not mommy not daddy. That motherfucker you been arrested with, the one that picks you up when your car blows up, the one you run over in a drunken argument, the one that has your back regardless of the situation and won't turn his back on you on some bullshit. I'm not gonna say respect. Respect is a word that fake ass fucking rapper's and people that live in a fantasy Scarface world have saturated with so much bullshit it doesn't even carry meaning anymore.

I'm gonna say Tact. Show some.
