Monday, September 5, 2011

You lied.

You fronted.

You pretended.

You sneak dissed.

You have 2 faces.

You are selfish.

You plotted.

You schemed.

You wanted your cake and to eat it too.

You got deleted.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fuckin' Shit On.

There was a time in my life when I would wakeup everyday and send a text out to everybody in my phone. It was a very encouraging text. Trying to inspire people. I took my time outta my day to send it, and respond to the people who responded back.

What I get out of it? Not a fucking thing.

Fuck up thing is.. When I did this, I was in a very bad way personally. I was homeless and crashing on Leigh's couch. I didn't have a car and was waiting tables. Still, I wanted to help my friends.

Years later I still try and help. Still aint getting a goddamn thing out of it. Just some fucking bullshit accusations and motherfuckers putting shit on me.

Fuck Yall.

Don't goddamn motherfucking ask for shit, if 1. You don't wanna hear or listen. 2. In the end your just gonna go back to what the fuck you was doing in the first goddamn place.

Yall motherfuckers don't invite me to shit. Don't fucking include me. I don't fucking cry about this shit. When you come to me I don't act like a fucking bitch. I'm just me. Got a smile on my fat fucking face and a couple fucking dollars in my pocket. I'll cop your dinner, I'll cop your movie ticket. I don't fucking complain to you about my fucking problems.

Society got yall gassed up. Thinkin' you deserve some shit, thinkin' your right, thinkin' your better than most, thinkin' you got the right to pass some judgment in your twisted little.

I'm here to tell you.. Humble your fucking self. Stop with the fucking bullshit. Don't nobody in this world deserve a motherfucking thing. You don't get to act like a bitch when the shit don't go your way. Own up to your fucking mistakes..

So if I don't talk to you, it ain't cause I'm fucking plotting, it's cause IM NOT FUCKING TALKING TO ANYBODY. When I'm telling you some shit about what your doing ITS BECAUSE THATS WHATS REALLY GOING THE FUCK ON. If your fucking up. I'm gonna tell you. If you don't like, it ain't my fault your a goddamn sofftie soft cupcake.

Yall need to deflate your ego, let that gas out and get some consistency in your life. Yall ain't getting no younger.

I don't know what I'm saying anymore. Fuck it.

My name is Paul and Fuck Yall...

Jeremy Dustin Smith

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Got some things going down at work..

I got offered the busiest store in Dallas today. I start on the 1st. There is already a few people asking questions like "Why Jeremy?" These people have doubt. What they don't know is I been around. This is my ninth store. I have never been unsuccessful. These folks think their superstars..

You know what they are? Inconsistent.

I've been laying low for the past 2 years. Grinding it out. Consistently delivering quality results month in and month out..

If you were around when I cameback to Dallas in 2007 and saw what I did at Stonebriar then you know what is about to happen..

It's time to Flex and diminish the Doubt..


Sunday, August 14, 2011


I wish I could wakeup and really not give a shit.

That is all.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I don't know if any of you know this, but I'm fat and depressed and ugly and miserable. I've pretty much been miserable my whole life. I stay pretty upbeat most of the time. I use humor to disguise my anguish. I make jokes and talk a lot of shit. I talk about what I would do if I hit the lottery or if I didn't have to goto work. The lottery talk is mostly fantasy, it keeps my thoughts away from the constant negative/anxiety filled craziness running through my mind most of the time. When I can no longer stand to be upbeat and make jokes, I hide in my house and push people away. I push people away because I'm scared I'm gonna get hurt. I don't trust anyone. I am deathly afraid one day I will be like my Mom (god bless her.. I love her to death) and not leave the house for days at a time. On top of that fear, I know that like my mother, my aunt and their mother that I too am crazy, bipolar and suffer from ADD and can easily fall into drug dependency.

I am disconnected. I don't like people, I am very much judgmental and do not tolerate certain types of people. I am stubborn and my heart is filled with hate. I don't talk to my brother or sister very often. I love them to death, but feel like we grew apart from when were kids. Our adolescense was filled with a lot of fighting. I never got close to them. We don't hug or have family time. Even as I am typing this, I am nervous and anxious to the thought of being around them more and trying to become a "family." I really wish that I was raised a little different. I wish sometimes my parents didn't do drugs, that they set boundaries and were strict, that they had been more loving. Maybe I wouldn't be so disconnected from the idea of wanting to have a family or that I can grow close to someone. That I can have a real relationship with my brother and sister. Anyone reading this that knows my parents, knows that they are good people. My moms tactics were effective, she challenged me, and was not shy to talk about things other parents wouldn't. She was an awesome life teacher, from music to movies, driving to riding, sex and drugs and everything in between. She taught me how to effectively argue my point. She never told me no and always asked why. Most of you haven't known me since I was a kid, but she turned me into an adult before I was 10. When I should have been experimenting, I was making educated decisions based on what I knew the outcome would be, what my mom had shown me. When I should have been playing in the backyard, I was driving. (TO GODDAMN NORTH DAKOTA AT THE AGE OF 12) My brother and sister weren't raised like I was raised, they were babied more, and weren't left to make their own decisions. They weren't challenged like I was challenged by my mom. I think that's why they have a stronger sense of family. They just blindly jumped into it, having babies and getting married with no regard of the struggle. Where I was challenged as a baby, I was shown the ugly in the world, I was raised to make calculated, educated decisions. It has left me hesitant to the idea of a family, because I don't want to live through the struggle we lived through..

These feelings and experiences leave me not wanting to challenge myself anymore. I want to be stable. I want to feel "safe" My job is easy and I am good at it, so I stay put because I don't want to fail.


I don't wanna grow up, I want to be a Toys R Us kid..


Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm getting old.

I'm getting old. Not because I'm starting to look Stan more and more everyday. Not cause I can't deal with this Texas heat. Not cause I'm waking up earlier or yawning before 10pm..

I'm getting older cause I have less and less tolerance for these females.


I just want a girl that likes to chill and relax, goto Top Golf and the Movies, doesn't need to invite the world or pencil me into her social agenda.

She doesn't need to be a 10 piece, or even think she's a 10. I don't need her to tell everybody everyday how pretty she is or how her hair smells good. (Shit is annoying B)

She needs to enjoy watching Sports live and be ok with Tattoo's. Save the partying. Like I said, I don't need a girl that has to drink all day or can't have fun without a drink.

I don't wanna have to fight to see her. Social agenda's and calendar's are annoying. I would almost say that I could start fucking around with some fat girls, but I don't like them.

Anyways.. Done Ranting..


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

God doesn't want us to be friends..

Cause if he did. He would have given you a penis.

I absolutely positively will not be BFF's with a female. Sorry. Vegas don't fuck with that. We can be buddies, but that's about it. If I like you, I like you. End of story. There is no "let's just be friends" I am not your emotional stability.


Monday, June 13, 2011


I don't really know how to start this.

I guess I could start off by saying that I feel like I treat people right. I know in my life I have had my moments. I have been mean to people. I have been mean to girls, kids, old people. I am fully aware of what's going on, and what I am doing when I do it..

You know what really bothers me though??

When a girl tells me I make her happy. Let me rephrase that. It doesn't bother me when they say it, it makes me cautious. It makes me cautious because I am really good at making a girl feel special. I am thoughtful, I am sweet, I know what to say and when to say it. Honestly, all I want to do is make a girl happy. I want her to feel special. If I care about her, she should feel special.


These girls these days. Don't know how to act. Unfortunately special, thoughtful, kind, caring.. Isn't good enough. These females always talkin' about how they want to be treated right. False. I hate to be that way, but the shit has to stop. LOL. I'm tired. Dudes are tired. I don't even wanna pick my damn phone up.

I guess it's my fault though. I've never been that hard ass guy that treated girls like shit. I've never really had too. I don't wear my heart on my sleeve. That bitch stays in the left side of my chest where it belongs, right behind my sugar skull tattoo.

So, next time one of yall wants to tell me I make you feel special, just hold on to that thought, let the shit marinate in your head for awhile, cause 2 weeks later when you're doing you, you can cook that thought up and serve it yourself cause I don't make nobody happy. Only person can make you happy is yourself..

I remain,

Jeremy Smith

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Who do you consider family??

Your actual family? Blood?

I have a different perspective than most. I consider the kids I grew up with my family. The kids that were banging around with me when our parents were drinking and drugging. The kids I played sports with until bedtime, wrapped houses with, played video games with. Protected, fought, and got in trouble with...

Last April I drove to Georgia with Mikuel, Seth rode with us, we dropped him off in Anniston so he could spend the weekends with his boys. I knew I was gonna be going through there so I asked Seth if he wanted a ride, cause I know he doesn't get back to Anniston very often cause of work and shit.. I been knowing Seth and Mike since we were babies. Like diapers. I spent my childhood with these cats and even though I don't see them very often. I consider them my brothers.

On the way to Georgia, we got into Jackson, Mississippi and my car broke down. It sucked, but just a bump in the rode, Mikuel had been sleeping most of the way.. Waking up when stopped and stuff. Anyways, we got through Birmingham and dropped Seth off in Anniston and were making our way to Atlanta and it was the first time during the whole trip that Me and Mikuel got to catch up.. I hadn't seen him in probably 6 or 7 years or so.. We were talking about Stan and Deanne, my baby sister and brother and their kids and stuff.. He was telling me about his little sister Alex and how much he loved her, and he was proud of Todd cause he was getting married to an awesome girl. We talked about Mike and Tracy and talked about the all the shit we did when were kids.

I had a great time in Georgia, I got to see everybody, helped out with Todd's wedding and kinda just stayed to myself a little cause I didn't wanna get in the way.. lol.

After Georgia, I kept in touch with Mikuel and he was supposed to come to Dallas and watch a Cowboys game but it didn't pan out, which was cool, cause I figured I would just catch him next time..

I read today that Mikuel passed away last night, and it has me fucked up. I haven't seen him in over a year now, but to me, there is a huge difference between a childhood friend and someone you meet later in life. It doesn't help that Stan and Mike Dobbs' have been friends for god knows how long and it sure as fuck didn't make anything easier thinking back to last April when we stopped in at Mom and Pop's and he stilled called my Mom Nanner.. My heart truly and deeply goes out to Tracy, Mike, Alex, Todd and Adam.. I've been in my own world all day. Thinking.

I've been thinking about all the kids I grew up with. The ones I loved since I was child. The ones I hope nothing bad ever happens too. The ones I know I would help/protect/lie for/feed/cloth/shelter if I could. Just cause I know my Dad would want me to, cause he would, cause they are my family..

Rest In Peace Mikuel.. Catch you on the flip homie..


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stupid Ass Bitch

I need yall to know that I need some Xanax. LOL. I've been couped up in my house for like 3 days now. The idea of coming outside is not appealing. My anxiety has my patience so thin I can barely make it to work and back. I'm kinda cancerous right now.

Last night, I was watching CNN and they were covering the trial of Casey Anthony, if you don't know who she is, I'm not gonna feel you in.. Anyways, they had her mother Cindy Anthony on the stand and she was listening to her 911 tape. Apparently Casey's daughter had been taken by the nanny, whose name was "Zanny" 30 days prior and this was Cindy calling into 911 because apparently the babies mother Casey hadn't let anyone know..

I really don't give a fuck if you think I'm insensitive but REALLY CINDY?? YOUR FIRST RED FLAG SHOULD HAVE BEEN THAT THE NANNY'S NAME WAS "ZANNY THE NANNY" So this lady is balling on the stand and acting oblivious to the fact the her daughter clearly murdered her own daughter. It was driving me crazy. I guess I just don't trust anybody. I mean, if cruise up and my kid is like "Zanny the Nanny" stole my kid 30 days ago and I haven't been able to find her..."

I WOULD BUST THAT BITCH'S HEAD WIDE THE FUCK OPEN. The PO-lice wouldn't be trying Casey for murder they'd be charging me with Capital One..

Today, on the way to work, I'm sitting at the stoplight at Renner Rd and Jupiter. I'm jamming Lupe, enjoying my morning commute, thinking about this Sausage McMuffin I'm bout to devour. All of sudden this dude pulls up in an IS250.

The license plate said "Dnt Hte"

REALLY??? Bitch you are driving a goddamn stock Lexus IS250, act fucking Humble.. You 30K a year wanna be millionaire ass BITCH. I could see if you were rocking some Work VS-XX with some negative camber and rubberbands for tires. Maybe some rolled fenders or if you had just a bone stock IS-F, but you didn't... So here I am, hating on you cause you have a nice base with the IS, but goddamn.. Don't get the "Dnt Hte" plates on the stock ass ride.

Anyways, I'm done.. I'm gonna leave you with some nutritional listening and give me a day.. I'll be back to normal..

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In my attempt to find my words...

I want to alienate myself. I wish I had the testicular fortitude to just say what I really wanted to say. There is so much shit going on in my mind, I can't sleep. It's not legit. It drives me crazy sometimes and all I wanna do is just post something, that just unravels people. I know I can too, I know I can abruptly turn peoples worlds on their sides, put it down and reverse it..

What should I do??

Tell me it is ok to say what I want. Regardless of the consequences..

I wanna make someone hate me, or love me, depending on you get down..


Monday, May 30, 2011


I was looking around online tonight at job postings. I don't have a degree or anything, I'm not very smart. I don't work hard. I'm kinda lazy but I can get things done. I'm usually not late on deadlines at work and I hit my numbers. I love to sell shit, and I'm very resilient on the sales floor.

It's no secret that I haven't had a driver's license for the past 6 years and my credit has been shit. I've been pretty gun shy about pursuing any other work related opportunities because I know that most employer's are going to run my background and credit and I never want to get my hopes about something that wouldn't come to fruition because my personal life was a wreck.

Now what most of you don't know is that I have been working to fix all of that, repair my credit, get a DL. I did, which wasn't easy because I don't make a ton of money. I sold off alot of shit, sneakers, car parts, things I like to keep, things I didn't wanna get rid of. Now I don't want yall to think that I made alot of sacrifices.. I didn't. Trips to Cabo, Concerts, mini Vacations, Cowboys games, Maverick games.. I am a do'er. If the opportunity arises for me to enjoy life I do it.

To me, it's pretty awesome that I'm sitting here... Credit fixed. Driver's License. Having these things has me smiling. Like Mad Cheeseface because I know I can make moves, up, down, left, right, A, B, A, C, A BB.. (<--- If you don't know, that's the blood code for Mortal Kombat on Sega Genesis. If you don't believe me GOOGLE that shit B..)

I will be looking for a new job, not super aggressively, but I know I'm much more than a 30K a year millionaire. My resume' is not terrible. I have some nice references and I want more. I want a lot more. I feel rejuvenated. I have the same feeling I had when I was a kid and my Mom told me I couldn't always have what I want, but IF I tried, I just might find, I get what I need.

My name is Vegas, and I'm here to fuck shit up..


Sunday, May 29, 2011


In a conscious effort to really move away from my facebook I really want to start blogging more often. The problem with this is I feel like I have to out do myself with every blog I post. Usually my blog posts are bragadocious (sp) or angry. I don't know if you all know this but I'm not that angry and hateful. lol. I'm not very confrontational and I sure as hell ain't cute.

So, I am going to try and post something every day or two, it might just be a story or a "day in the life of Vegas" type shit. It might be something happy or awesome. I don't know. All I know is everyday I have a ton of emotion that runs through me and I need to find a better way of channeling it.

This weekend, between my phone kinda fucking up and me just really being anti social I didn't really do shit. Rode with B.B. Goodenoughe back to east Tejas today to take Nephew back. Copped some In N Out and watched some standup.. Oh and Me and B Bot Tite got into some gangster shit, had some cops following us.. llolololol..

I'm out..

P.S. Beretta did that shit..


Friday, May 27, 2011


I was plotting all day on what I wanted to do when I got off work. Since it's the weekend and everything I was kinda hyped about doing something, but in the back of my mind I knew I needed to save some cash so I might just stay in cause I knew Nephew was gonna be around tonight..

I had an invite earlier in the day to hangout with a friend at the pool. Considering we live in Tejas and it's hot outside. I knew there would be some serious eye candy at the pool and most definitely some flirting in my future I could see so, I was really feeling that idea, but I kept getting tied up at work and wasn't able to pull the great escape that I wanted too. I didn't hear from friend most of the day, and when I got off, they didn't seem to interested in hanging out anymore so when I heard Nephew bust through the backdoor..

It was on like mufkin Donkey Tron.

I'm kickin' it around the house, picking up my room, letting Nephew get settled in. I hear the Big Wheel power up and he's cruising it down the hall.. "Begas, wher our you Begas?" I'm watching TV on the couch and Nephew rolls hard into the living and is heading straight for the fireplace..

So I'm thinking to myself is Nephew really just gonna drive into the fireplace, is he thinking about logs, and fire? What's his move? He runs right in the fireplace full throttle, of course it's a Big Wheel so there is no harm, no foul. Nephew is laughing his ass off. "HEHEHEHEHEH BEGAS, HEHEHE LOOOOKKK" He's spinning the back wheels cause he is pinned up against the fireplace..

This is when I get mindfucked by a 3yr old.

Vegas - "Boy, what you doing?" (Uncle tone)
Nephew - "Why?"
Vegas - "What?"
Nephew - "Why Begas? Why?"
Vegas - "What? Why What?"
Nephew - "Why? Why Begas?"
Vegas - "Bruh, your fuckin me up right now"
Nephew - "Tickle, tickle Begas, I'm gon' tickle yooouuu"

He knows he got me. I'm sitting there confused as fuck, this 3yr old tickling me like I'm a baby. I can't help it, I'm gigglesaurus rex. Don't know what to do. So I scoop him up. Tickle him a little bit, set him down and then retreat to my room. Mindfucked.

Nephew - 1
"Begas" - 0

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Riding Dirty


I pull outta work tonight and I'm heading north on Jupiter. Windows down. Radio up. I'm cruising 40mph which is the posted speed limit, minding my own. I see some headlights in the turn lane in front of me and I'm not thinking anything of it, but as I pass by I notice it's the police. A white Dodge Charger with a blue stripe.. It's Richardson PD. Some of you reading this might not know the feeling I'm bout to describe cause you know.. Your white or on some too goodie 2 shoes, hall monitor type shit..





Because he flips on me.. I'm thinking I'm bout to get pulled over. I turn the radio down, grip my steering wheel and check my mirrors..

My heart is beating pretty quick and I'm running scenario's through my mind and just as a bead of sweat starts to form on my brow...... It hits me, like a Rock Bottom from Dwayne Johnson...

I'm driving my new '05 Acura TL, that's in my name.
It's Insured.
I have a Driver's License.
I don't need a scenario or an excuse or a mothafuckin' thing. I am a goddamn normal fucktioning member of society..

So as he passes me on the driver's side, with my window's down he sees me and I'm smiling, I'm smiling like I just got some fresh uncharted pussy. You know that feeling, that feeling of success. As he stares me down, I throw one finger off the steering wheel. Not two fingers, one finger, and when he gives me a waive back I start laughing cause I sure as fuck ain't wearing my safe belt..

Fuck you cop. I'm still riding dirty..



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Offensive Comment

Earlier, I posted on Facebook about how I wanted to be offensive.

"I personally feel that the Bible is a book of stories written by people in a position of power to incite fear and scare people into doing what they wanted them to do. I read some of these stories and my rational mind tells me to call bullshit. To me it just screams, enslavement and fear. Now I don't want to come off as only having this opinion about the Bible. There are stories full of positive things.. Over coming adversity, Striving to do the right thing, and showing people how to live a good life.. Honestly though, I feel that to many people put to much stock in this book.."


Monday, January 24, 2011

My Cell Phone is Ruining my Life.

I gotta rant.. Pay attention..

So, earlier this week, my kinda girlfriend, but not really but were still kinda dating, bff told me I was a little obsessed. Honestly, I'm not obsessed with her. I'm obsessed with the connectivity. Facebook, Text, Phone Calls. I pick my phone up every 2 minutes to see if I missed anything. It dawned on me today. I need to take a step back.

Izzystacks tells me she needs to take a day and I freak out, cause my phone isn't beeping at me. Think about it. 10 years ago when I was dating Regina, if I didn't talk to her for a day it was no thing. 5 years ago when I was talking to Cecily, if we didn't text one day it wasn't shit. Life went on, there was no freak out. Today, if the girl I like needs to take a day, I'm all over facebook, checking for texts, waiting on a text back.. Shit is ridiculous. I hate my goddamn phone.

I always tell people about the kid at my store one day trying to get his mom to get him a phone he can text on. She doesn't want to and this kid is like "Mom, how am I gonna talk to girls? Sir, please tell my mom I need texting.." I responded with "Man, when I was in high school, I had to call a girl on her home phone, get through the mom, dad, brother and sister before I could get her on the phone..."


I'm not the only one that does this, Izzy will deny this till she dies but there have been moments where my phone has blown up cause I was asleep or at the gym. We all do it. It's so goddamn bad, I personally know people that are fucking miserable cause of shit that gets posted on Facebook. Fucking Facebook, fuck Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Savrin.

I'm here to tell you, it's gonna be ok, don't freakout. My birthday is Sunday and I'm turning 29. I can't think of a reason as to why I should worry myself over a goddamn facebook post, or a day without speaking to someone.

Our cell phones, facebooks, twitters, text messages, picture messages are killing us, they are making us insecure, anxious, angry, and frustrated. They are leaving us with trust issues and making us vulnerable to bullshit, over analyzing every post and text, every picture.

I'm tired, I'm taking back to the late 90's, when I didn't have a phone or a pot to piss in.

Now, if you'll excuse me, Izzy sent me a picture of her wearing a tiara, she looked adorable, I'm waiting on a response..


Sunday, January 9, 2011


I gotta get some stuff on my chest.

I have this girl in my life that I honestly can say I love to death, for the first time I found someone that I think I could spend the rest of my life with. This scares the ever living shit out of me. She has a foul mouth and loves to talk shit, she pushes my limits and is an emotional train wreck. She's a great girl, with a smile that melts hearts and a sense of humor that rivals Dave Chappelle.

You wanna know what scares me??

She hasn't known me long enough to know that sometimes I just say things, mean things. I don't mean them, It's just that I'm fat, ugly and have glasses and all my life people (girls) have tried to hurt me. I learned along time ago, that the nice guy does not get the girl and sometimes you have to be a little mean to get the girl, or should I say get laid. Because of this I have rules, rules to keep myself from getting hurt.

Well, Friday I realized something. I can't be like that to her. She means way more to me than the past girls in my life.

Rules are made to be broken, and she breaks all my rules.

The other day we were arguing, damn that, we weren't even arguing we were just being assholes to each other cause I don't know if yall know this, but Isidra and I both have a wicked tongue. She said something, then I said something, then she said something then I did what I always do....

I hurt her.

Due to my rules, in the past, usually when this happened, I wouldn't care. If the girl started mouthing that's when "Vegas" would come out and I would be more mean to her, and tell my friends things like "I don't give a fuck, I'll die alone before blah blah blah blah.." It was a defense mechanism. It was me guarding myself from being hurt.

Well, if any of you are friends with us on Facebook, you saw the fallout. She posted something, then me, then her, then me.

You wanna know what scared me the most after I posted my last post?? I panicked. Not only did I panic I freaked the fuck out. I realized that I lost her. I realized that I betrayed her trust. She told me things, things that I don't think she's told any other guys she's dated. I believe she told me these things because she really does love me, because she cares about me, and she knows these things don't scare me away.

I made her to believe that I was a great guy. I am a great guy, but I betrayed her. I ruined everything I had accomplished. Through all her emotional issues, her past coming back to haunt her. I battled, I fought, scraped and broke down walls with her. I proved to her that I wasn't going anywhere, that she could feel safe, and secure. She could take my arm in hers and be ok with it.

Now I have to live with my actions, it's not her fault, even though she said somethings that I didn't like, it's not her fault. Underneath her hard exterior, her fast mouth and smart ass attitude she is still a woman. A beautiful woman who has been hurt in the past and has earned the right to be guarded. She did not deserve for me to say what I said. Even though she isn't as affectionate as most, that's who I fell in love with. I have to be the bigger person and allow her to have her opinions and walls.

As of today, we are no longer in a relationship, and I don't know if we ever will be again. Scratch that. We will. She loves me, I know she does. I know that even though I fucked up, in time, I can prove to her that I am better than that. That I will be there, I will support her decisions. I will be "sweet" just like she asked me to be.

My mom told me she was beautiful.
My dad said she was a game changer.
My brother told me she must be a badass if she loves hot wings.
My best friend will bend over backwards for her.
The fam told me to fight for her.

I hope and pray she will break some of her rules for me, like I did for her.

I gotta quote a movie here, and I hope yall know where I'm coming from with this one..

"The juice is definitely worth squeeze"
